User guide missing element access

When started programming with nalgebra, it took me quite a while to construct a new matrix.
It is not clear how to construct a zero matrix.
Also I would have expected that in the User Guide to be an example how to access the elements of a matrix or vector.


Thank you for your feedback. The rustdoc-generated documentation on nalgebra is being improved progressively during the past few weeks. For matrices/vectors in particular, you will find a doc with sections on the Matrix documentation. You will find the various way of constructing matrices/vectors there.

Regarding accessing elements of a matrix or vector, we should definitely make it clearer in the user guide. It is very briefly mentioned in the matrix element modification section of the user guide. We added some details there (which is where we would expect the user to look at when searching for the matrix/vector fields).

Yes this looks good.
Thank you very much for your work!