Why can a trait which uses the Default Allocator be cloned into a thread?

My code base is relatively complicated, so let me know if I forgot to add some details here.

I’ve got a Dynamics trait which defines the kind of structures which can be handled by a propagator. A propagator solves the initial value problem (there are different terms for this, I go with “propagator” which is the common term in my industry). These dynamics have been shown to work on another thread without problem (e.g. here).

At a high level, I’m trying to implement Parareal which can solve the same problem in parallel. This requires cloning the Dynamics structure, and splitting up the computation onto several thread.

The compiler complains about DefaultAllocator::Buffer not being thread-safe. I understand why that would not be the case, but I don’t understand why it matters to my problem. I don’t need the buffer to be sent around, just the dynamics, and they can have their own allocation.

In the following code, I’m simply trying to have the lofi_dyn dynamics be executed on its own thread, and collect all of the intermediate steps in a channel on the main thread. From my point of view, this is the same as the example shown above where Dynamics are executed on their own thread… the compiler obviously doesn’t agree.

What architecture and syntax should I be using to implement the Parareal algorithm?

pub struct Parareal<M: Dynamics, E: ErrorCtrl> {
    pub dynamics: M,
    pub opts: PropOpts<E>,
    pub max_cpus: usize,

impl<M: Dynamics, E: ErrorCtrl> Parareal<M, E> {
    pub fn until_time_elapsed(&mut self, elapsed_time: f64) -> (f64, VectorN<f64, M::StateSize>)
        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, M::StateSize>,
        M: Send + Sync,
        // Split up the integration on as many CPUs as possible
        let lofi_step = elapsed_time / self.max_cpus as f64;

        println!("{}", lofi_step);

        let (tx, rx): (
            Sender<VectorN<f64, M::StateSize>>,
            Receiver<VectorN<f64, M::StateSize>>,
        ) = channel();

        let lfopts = PropOpts::with_fixed_step(lofi_step);
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut lofi_dyn = self.dynamics.clone();
            let mut lofi = Propagator::new::<RK2Fixed>(&mut lofi_dyn, &lfopts);
            lofi.raw_tx_chan = Some(&tx);

        while let Ok(rx_state) = rx.recv() {
            println!("{:?}", rx_state);

        (0.0, VectorN::zeros())

Here is the error:

error[E0277]: `<propagators::na::DefaultAllocator as od::hyperdual::Allocator<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize>>::Buffer` cannot be sent between threads safely
   --> src/propagators/parareal.rs:31:9
31  |         thread::spawn(move || {
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `<propagators::na::DefaultAllocator as od::hyperdual::Allocator<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize>>::Buffer` cannot be sent between threads safely
    = help: within `propagators::na::Matrix<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize, propagators::na::U1, <propagators::na::DefaultAllocator as od::hyperdual::Allocator<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize>>::Buffer>`, the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `<propagators::na::DefaultAllocator as od::hyperdual::Allocator<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize>>::Buffer`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `propagators::na::Matrix<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize, propagators::na::U1, <propagators::na::DefaultAllocator as od::hyperdual::Allocator<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize>>::Buffer>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::marker::Send` for `std::sync::mpsc::Sender<propagators::na::Matrix<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize, propagators::na::U1, <propagators::na::DefaultAllocator as od::hyperdual::Allocator<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize>>::Buffer>>`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `[closure@src/propagators/parareal.rs:31:23: 36:10 self:&mut propagators::parareal::Parareal<M, E>, lfopts:propagators::PropOpts<propagators::error_ctrl::RSSStepPV>, tx:std::sync::mpsc::Sender<propagators::na::Matrix<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize, propagators::na::U1, <propagators::na::DefaultAllocator as od::hyperdual::Allocator<f64, <M as dynamics::Dynamics>::StateSize>>::Buffer>>, elapsed_time:f64]`

error: aborting due to previous error


The sender tx is being sent to your thread. For this to be possible, Sender<VectorN<f64, M::StateSize>> must implement Send. And for this to happen VectorN<f64, M::StateSize> must implement Send to. This requires <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<f64, M::StateSize>::Buffer to implement Send too.

I don’t know if that would fit well in your architecture, but the easy solution is to add a bound in your where clause. This bound could either be: VectorN<f64, M::StateSize>: Send or perhaps <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<f64, M::StateSize>::Buffer: Send.

Okay, I shall try that.

Does that mean that I’ll need to implement my own buffer?

Christopher Rabotin.

No. All the storage from nalgebra already implement Send, except the storage for slices.